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— this is Careem Gilbert.

Moving the creative economy forward in developing nations.

My name is Careem, I’m an architect of strategy,  creativity and innovation in developing nations. With my experience and skillset, I direct and create digital experiences for businesses, organizations and  individuals alike. – C.G

— this is Careem Gilbert.

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it-you can influence it,

you can build your own things that other people can use.”  – Steve Jobs

Growing up in the Caribbean (Grenada, W.I). From a young age of 14, I was hit with a quest of finding purpose. Which led to me to a discovery that crafted my inner abilities:  ‘to create and add value to the lives of others’. I have ever since been utilizing visual tech and software to do same for every company, organization, individual and collective I work with.

I specialize in team collaborating with a focus on Digital Photography & Video Production for campaign and meaningful storytelling. Tripled with Web Development and Design for data capture, eCommerce and analytics which aid in growth of said organizations.

My experiences starts and ends a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.

2018 – Present — CEO — CG Creative Group

2018 — Graduated from St. George’s University

2017 — Founder — CG Creative – Digital Photo/Video Production & Web Development

2016 — Co-Founder — Coin – Fintech Software

2013 — Co-Founder — Voutlet eCommerce

2012 — Graduated — Grenada Boys Secondary School

— what i do

– Creative Direction

– Communication & Technology

– Digital Photography

– Video Production

– Graphic Design

– Web Design & Development

– eCommerce

– Web Analytics & Data Capture

– Payment Gateways for Developing Nations

– Campaign Production

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